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10/28/2011 — ‘HAARP ring’ forecast confirmation = St. Louis, MO was forecast “clear” for the world series = Storms heading to STL now

Yesterday, a giant “HAARP ring” appeared out of Saint Louis, Missouri —


After seeing the ring appear on RADAR — I issued this forecast calling for strong cell storms to hit Saint Louis within 24-48 hours.


The “professionals”, were saying the EXACT OPPOSITE.  The forecasters at the NWS have forecast clear sunny conditions ALL WEEK… and being that the World Series is in St. Louis, MO tonight (cardinals vs. texas) — the importance of getting the forecast correct is paramount.

The “official” forecast from the NWS is seen below in this screenshot:


That  all  being said… NOW ON RADAR WE SEE  THIS  700pm CDT 10/28/2011 !  Strong cell thunderstorms breaking out across the region.. heading towards Saint Louis, MO directly…

Clearly this proves.. that within 24-48 hours of a “frequency ring outbreak” we can expect storms to be produced !

here is the video from today showing the current storm outbreak: