watch the video explanation here:
In the past 12 hours (Feb. 12 , 2012) — we have seen two series of earthquake swarms occur in the southwest United States — Utah, and Southern California.
I posted a video and a website breakdown of the Utah event…
Here is a link to that full story , so you can get up to speed on this current situation:
Summed up, Utah has seen three earthquakes occur near a dormant volcano site.
In the same period of time, south California experienced back to back 3.0M earthquakes near ANOTHER dormant volcano site… Table Mountain.
from the USGS about Table Mountain:
Table Mountain: just north of Lassen Volcanic National Park. Table Mountain is an andesitic shield volcano, probably formed about 1 to 2 million years ago.
Here are the USGS statistics:
Earthquake Details
- This is a computer-generated message — this event has not yet been reviewed by a seismologist.
Magnitude | 3.0 |
Date-Time |
Location | 32.776°N, 116.108°W |
Depth | 5.1 km (3.2 miles) |
Distances |
Using the USGS coordinates for the earthquake epicenter — I was able to find the following connection to the Utah quakes also happening at the same time.. the connection is…. earthquakes are occurring at dormant volcanoes due to pressure on the North American craton coming from the massive movement on the Pacific plate.
my past posts on the craton pressure:
Screenshots below from google earth — using the USGS coordinates for the California earthquakes:

The connection is there (in my opinion)… watch the dormant volcanoes in the southwest .. to the northwest USA — California, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Washington state, Idaho, and Wyoming.
However we ALSO MUST REMEMBER that areas like Georgia in the south EAST USA also have seen movement at dormant volcanoes … so this watch applies across the board.
my past videos on dormant volcanoes:
my past articles on dormant volcanoes:
my past videos on fracking earthquakes:
my past articles on fracking earthquakes:
my past videos on nuclear plant earthquakes:
my past articles on nuclear plant earthquakes: