Glasgow Montana — 11/5/2011 — a series of “HAARP rings” appeared out of Glasgow, Montana west across the state to Great Falls.
The NWS issued this forecast calling for a ZERO PERCENT chance of precipitation.
Also, on the same day as the above forecast from the NWS … one of my most crude and crass critics on youtube put out this video below.. making fun of “haarp rings”… looks like they’ve got a foot to put in their mouth ! NOLINKNEWS.. you’ve struck out!
Storms DID hit the center of the rings within 24 hours.. on an expected clear day no less !
Now look at the official reports of what happened on the 6th of November *yesterday* .. remember.. it was a ZERO percent chance of precipitation by the pros.. and I called for severe weather .. heavy precip to hit the area..
Lo and behold.. several inches of snow fell at the center of the “HAARP ring area” .. Glasgow Montana.. west all the way to Great Falls MT .
Screenshot of report from weather underground:
Once again, we see storms hit the center of the frequency “HAARP ring” within 24-48 hours.. the professionals were expecting a CLEAR DAY… we were expecting storms.
And storms it was!