link to full story:
Personal note —
KSDK is cool in my eyes for putting out this story in depth.. not just “glossing over” like the rest of the MSM did to this story.
Also, worthy to note.. KSDK met me down at the St. Louis, MO Gateway Arch… while I was doing radiation measurements (Fukushima fallout) back in the summer .. cheers to channel 5 !
videos from that meeting are linked here:
Actual TV broadcast here:
Back to today’s story…
These radioactive items obviously went to MULTIPLE STATES, and the fact that just 30 min. (for an hour or a year?!) near the item is = to a COUPLE chest x-rays…. it’s just plain disturbing to hear that.
I know we keep OUR metal decorative tissue holder on the bathroom sink .. right where my wife stands and does her makeup every morning.. she spends AT LEAST 30 minutes getting ready each day.. that would mean.. if she had one of these “tissue holders” — every year (hour in the original NRC story) she would get = TWO chest x-rays !
NOT GOOD NEWS — lets hope its just relegated to the tissue boxes, and not OTHER metal items the company makes.
Here is my previous post with the other items the company makes: