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2/24/2012 — Large Solar filament rupture — not earth directed CME


A very large filament rupture — producing a non-earth directed CME (coronal mass ejection) — this one is fairly large — and in the next two days we will see the whole high resolution image come through.

Just want to show you something cool that doesn’t occur every day (on such a large scale).

here is the link to the SDO website, search through todays date (2/24/2012).

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2/17/2012 — Honey Bees and flowers in winter — SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG — St. Louis Missouri



February 17, 2012 — winter in the midwest United States — most of us have noticed or heard people talking about this “warm winter” the United States is experiencing.

Today — blossoming flowers and buzzing honey bees !!!  In St. Louis Missouri USA in February .

Keep in mind, flowers and bees in a place where February NORMALLY produces negative fahrenheit temperatures — frozen rivers and lakes.

The north pole has shifted northwest into Siberia — warmer latitudes have moved northwest along with the pole… bringing unnaturally (unseasonably) warm weather further north along with this change.

Read more on the north pole shift to siberia russia here:

The USDA has issued NEW growing guidelines based upon this “new” warm weather…. according to the Department of Agriculture.. plants that used to grow in New Orleans will now grow in northern latitudes hundreds of miles further north… in areas like missouri– kentucky — north carolina .  This is per the US Government , not a wild unfounded rumor.

Here is the post on the USDA new growing guidelines: