Two days ago — Saint Louis and Kansas City, MO experienced a frequency outbreak — multiple “HAARP rings” and “scalar squares” appeared across the entire state of Missouri.
Here is a link to my report from Oct. 23, 2011 .. — the call was made for central missouri .. from KC to STL to be hit with severe weather. The regular weather forecast from the “professionals” called for “breezy and clear” conditions (proof of that below).
The rings and squares met in the middle of the state — here are the screenshots of the event from when it occurred on RADAR:

here are the forecasts for Missouri for today from two days ago AND THIS MORNING NO LESS — calling for breezy, clear day .. no rain or storms..
Forecast from two days ago first:

Now the forecast from 6am this morning.. STILL CALLING FOR A CLEAR DAY IN MISSOURI ! :
clear day called for in Columbia, MO:

Clear day called for in Saint Louis, MO :

800am CDT 10/25/2011 — here is a screenshot of current RADAR of Missouri — you can see throughout the state, down to Columbia missouri in the center, we see a line of strong cell thunderstorms (some with hail detected) —

Finally.. here is a shot of the frozen “HAARP ring” out of Duluth, MN.. watch Duluth for the next 24-48 hours for severe weather (strong cells, damaging wind, hail, or possible tornadoes)
Two shots.. first is from this AM.. second is from yesterday PM: