Recently, we have seen a great spike in the number of earthquakes occurring at “fracking” , drilling wells, nuclear plants, dormant volcanoes, and also at quarries.
watch the most recent video here:
screenshot below from earthquake 3D USGS feed — showing the two most recent man made earthquakes: (1/11/2012 155am CST)
see past fracking, drilling, nuclear reactor, and dormant volcano quakes here:
The ONE thing all these sites have in common, are deep earth shafts dug/blasted/fractured, and natural sites like dormant volcanoes which have natural “empty tubes” which penetrate the upper layer of the earths crust (just like man made shafts from drill sites).
Here is a screenshot of the past two weeks (14 days) of earthquakes across the USA / globe.
Notice in the USA — the “north american craton” is defined along its edge with obvious movement — in simple terms — the craton (called Laurentia) is being pushed by the pacific plate.
here is a shot of the north american craton diagram:
Compare the past two weeks of earthquakes with the craton diagram: Connect the dots of the quakes on the left .. look at the edge of the craton on the right..
This pushing action is causing earthquakes along the deep “shaft” sites — whether they be drilling (oil), fracking (natural gas), nuclear power plant methane layer shafts, geo-thermal plants, or dormant volcanoes.
Just like a PERFORATED edge on a piece of paper is easily torn.. the cratons “edge” has been penetrated.. and like the weakest link in a chain.. these spots are showing the stress and movement FIRST before the whole continent shifts.
First, lets take a look at the West Virginia earthquake epicenter on google earth:
here are the statistics from the USGS (along with coordinates):
In the screenshots from google earth (below) you will see the clear “rectangular frack pad” along with the center drilling / pumping / injection well apparatus — along side the typical frac pond.
Second, lets look at the earthquake which occurred same day in New Mexico.. this time, not at a “fracking” location.. but rather, at a coal strip mine:
here are the statistics from the USGS (along with coordinates):
All the known volcano webcams of the world (Italy, Russia, Iceland, South/Central America, Spain and several other locations) :