Placing documentation of the event here with videos and screenshots.
All screenshots and information came from the GOES 17 West live satellite feeds publicly available to view at several locations including many colleges and Universities on the nights of September 7, 2020 into September 8, 2020 and the second beam event occurring the night of September 8, 2020 into September 9, 2020.
Night 1, Sept 7, 2020 going into Sept 8, 2020 — Beaming from above Oregon, coming from the North. The beam reaching down into the fire in Central California along the coast.
As the beam came into the location, it appeared to be exciting the fire as it moved through it, and the fire appeared to be following the beam as it moved to the East. Certainly the fire followed just after the beam moved.

Night 2 .. Sept 8, 2020 into Sept 9, 2020 ….seen below, the beam origin point shifted out over the ocean (likely in space), beaming down into the newest fire to form up North in Oregon.
Previously the beam was coming from Oregon, beaming down into California, exciting the fires there. On this second day, the beam was coming down from off the Coast of California — beaming down into Oregon.
Again the fire became excited as the beam went into it, and again the fire appeared to follow the beam as it slightly moved.

End of Night 2 – Sept 9, 2020 … the beam is CENSORED OFF THE FEED DELIBERATELY with a black line placed over it.

Here is a link to the GOES 17 satellite analysis site used in the attached screenshots and videos
Additionally, all information was seen (and recorded) live before an audience of 5,000+ live stream viewers, many of whom were following along with their own links, and satellite monitoring systems (indicating it wasn’t just a glitch on one system).
Videos of the events as they happened, first as I found the beam live with my audience on Twitch + Youtube:
Color Enhanced version of the above seen event:
Night 2 seen below:
I then made another video around the same time these beams were striking in California. The video topic was the rare earthquake to strike in New Jersey, and the location in question is a US Naval Weapons storage bunker facility. In this video below I talk about the beam events again. See that video here:
Final part of this post ….. here is a full video on what I think could be happening with these high power microwave infrared particle laser beams…